When you get here

Two girls walking

Discover how you can make the most of your first few weeks as a student at the University of Surrey.

New students checklist

Check out our handy checklist to make sure that you are making the most of your first few days and weeks at University. 

View checklist

Are you an international student? There are a few extra things for you to do when you get here: read our international students checklist.

My first month at Surrey

My first month video screenshot

Our students share their top tips and insights to help you make the most of those first few weeks

What you need to do when you get here

Things you need to do and know to become a student at the University. Once you have moved in, read our tips on settling into your room and some key things to do before anything else.

Main registration signage on Stag Hill campus
Main registration
Main registration takes place during your first week, so find out about the process.
Freshers Angles holding welcome signs and greeting new students outside the reception of Manor Park.
A to Z of being a Surrey student
We’ve put together an A to Z of student life where you can find out about anything about life at Surrey. 
Key collection point on Stag Hill campus
Collect your key
Find out how to collect your key when you arrive on campus.

Explore our campus

We are sure you will want to take a look around campus, so here’s some help to get you started. 

Students on the lawn
Campus life
Discover more about food and drink, sport and fitness on campus and your all-important campus card.
A bus and students on our Stag Hill campus
Getting around
Find out the best ways of getting around campus and the local area, including buses, rail and more.

Campus tour

Austin Pearce building on Stag Hill campus

Watch a tour of facilities and campuses for freshers

Guides for new students

Be prepared for university life at Surrey.

Student in library on laptop
Getting started with IT
Reading our guide will help you to get started with our IT systems, software and processes.
Library building
Using the Library
Explore how the Library can support you throughout your studies.

Money and jobs

It’s important to start thinking about how you will manage your money and if you might need a part-time job alongside your studies. 

Money advice
Find lots of information to help you budget or how you can get extra support if you need it.
Student working in a coffee shop
Part-time jobs
Take a look at some of the opportunities available for part-time work on campus, including becoming a student ambassador!